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We are a group of  Bible believers who meet in Ammanford. We base our beliefs solely on the Bible and try to live our lives in accordance with God’s will.

We look forward to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to this earth, to set up God’s Kingdom as promised, when the whole earth will be filled with peace and righteousness for ever and ever.

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We warmly invite you to come along and meet with us in reading God’s word and finding out more about his wonderful message of hope!


Memorial Service

Every Sunday 10.30am

Our Memorial Meeting allows our baptised members to meet together and share the bread and the wine in remembrance of the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We listen to an exhortation before we partake of the bread and wine together.

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Bible Talk

Every Sunday 12.15pm

Our Bible Time is aimed at those who wish to learn more about God’s message in the Bible and covers a wide range of subjects throughout the year.

This is a great place to start your Bible learning journey, so we warmly invite anyone to come along to this 30 minute engaging session.

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Bible Class

Every Thursday 7.30pm

Our main study evening of the week. We look at a specific subject from the Bible to learn more about God’s plan and purpose with this earth. There is time afterwards for discussion on the subject.

This is more in depth than our Sunday Bible Time.

As one family in Christ, you can expect a warm, family friendly atmosphere, so please feel free to bring along your little ones too!

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Come along to our hall or watch live on YouTube


The christian and protest


YouTube Talk




In the beginning God created Man and woman

Please email us to request any YouTube links

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While you are enjoying Bible Time, your children are welcome to attend our Sunday School.

Our Sunday school is held most weeks, following the standard school term times. It is suitable for Ages 3+

Please contact us in advance if your child would like to come along.

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We believe that the Bible is God’s word and the only message from him. It teaches us about God and his son Jesus Christ, and his purpose for the world.

Introducing the Christadelphians

We accept the Bible as our only guide and believe it to be the inspired word of God. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch or come along and meet with us in reading God’s word and finding out more for yourself.

If you would like more detailed information about our beliefs please visit: or Introducing the Christadelphians

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You don’t need to book to attend any of our services, by all means just rock up and we’ll be ready for you but if you’d like to let us know when and how many of you are coming, we will be sure to look out for you!

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Foundry Road, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire,
SA18 2LS