The Weather
The British weather is a constant topic of conversation! In spite of the very sophisticated equipment available to forecasters today the forecasts are often wrong. Many do not really appreciate how bad or unseasonable weather can affect horticulture and farming and even the retail trade.
Jesus passed judgment upon the leaders of Israel when they asked him for a sign from heaven (Matthew 16:1)”He (Jesus) answered them, “When it is evening, you say, “It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.” And in the morning, “It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening”. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”(Matthew 16: 2 – 3). We have a similar saying “Red sky at night shepherds’ delight, red sky in the morning shepherds’ warning!” Israel’s leaders’ tragedy was that they were aware of “signs” in the sky but did not recognise the signs of the times, namely that their Messiah, their Saviour, had arrived and was talking to them! Jesus had come, in fulfilment of their Scripture, the Old Testament.( read, for example, Micah 5:2. There are many other prophecies of the coming of Jesus, the Messiah.)
Now, in our day, the signs of the times point to the imminent Second Coming of Jesus from Heaven to establish God’s Kingdom on earth.(Ezekiel 37: 21, Luke 21:25-36) Sadly these signs are not known to most of our contemporaries.
The Old Testament makes clear that God controls the weather. If the nation of Israel refused to worship Him, their land would suffer; “And the heavens over your head shall be bronze, and the earth under you shall be iron. The Lord will make the rain of your land powder. From heaven dust shall come down on you, until you are destroyed. (Deut 28: 23 – 24). In the book of Judges we read of the wickedness of Israel. Because of this a famine plagued the land (Ruth 1:1) so that families in Israel journeyed to Moab to escape hunger.
We can find many events in history where the weather has played a deciding role, the defeat of the Persian fleet by the Greek navy, the retreat of Napoleon and his troops from Russia and so on. God is in control and many of these happenings can be shown to fulfil Bible Prophecy. God does not only control the weather and climate change. In His good time He will send Jesus back to sweep away the chaos of human rule and establish a time of peace, and true prosperity for all (read Psalm 72).
Quotes are taken from the ESV
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