Hezekiah’s Bulla and other archaeological evidence for him
It is not uncommon to hear it said that the Bible is simply a story book, written by some guy, the proof of which we cannot test and prove with strong, tangible evidence. With such opinions rampant, when facts emerge like that of King Hezekiah’s seal – which was unearthed in Jerusalem recently, we should be excited that the even more archaeological evidence for the existence of people such as king Hezekiah has been unearthed, as it proves once more that the Bible is strongly supported by accurate history and archaeology, such as the following evidence which has already been discovered:
Sennacherib’s Annals These records attest to the conquests made by King Sennacherib of Assyria when he invaded Judah’s cities such as Lachish, which is also confirmed in the bible to have been taken.
The Lachish Inscription
The city mentioned in the Bible, was taken by the Assyrians and the conquest glorified in Nineveh by a series of pictures and the single inscription which once again confirms the Bible’s credibility: “Sennacherib, the mighty king, king of the country of Assyria, sitting on the throne of judgment, before (or at the entrance of) the city of Lachish (Lakhish). I give permission for its slaughter”
Siloam/Hezekiah’s Tunnel
This is recorded in 2 Kings 20:20 and 2 Chronicles 32 as a means by which to stop the kings of Assyria finding much water. The tunnel is open to tourists.
Hezekiah’s “Broad Wall”
God speaks also to Hezekiah in Isaiah and says “…the houses have ye broken down to fortify the wall…” (Isaiah 22:10). Archeological evidence for the wall has confirmed it to be from the time of Hezekiah, with houses integrated into the wall in certain places where a fulfilment of this passage has occured.
The Bible is not something which comes with no evidence for a basis for belief. In fact when the apostle Paul writes to the believers in Berea, he appeals to them to look for the testable evidence of his argument to confirm whether what he was saying was correct according to the bible, rather than commanding them to believe without question (Acts 17:11). In a similar way, we are able to test the bible’s claim of authority by historic artefacts and sources.