Space Travel and the Bible
During December an exciting event happened when Tim Peake became the first British astronaut to join the International Space Station. It certainly created excitement amongst the children at the Primary School which he had attended when they watched the ‘blast off’ from Kazakhstan.
One of the most groundbreaking visits to outer space was that of the landing on the Moon of the Apollo 15 Mission. The Director of that mission, Doctor Wernher Von Braun was asked which particular verse in the Bible had he found helpful or challenging. He replied; “Be thou exalted, O God, above the heaven; let thy glory be above all the earth” Psalm 57:5.
Doctor Wernher Von Braun also wrote: ‘I feel the universal validity of God’s law, on earth and other worlds, is expressed in this passage. Space travellers will not trespass on forbidden regions when they set foot on other worlds, but will be in God’s realm wherever they go.’
Do scientists know the number or names of all the stars? Of course not – but God does! In fact the Bible has many references to the sun, moon and stars for example: “He [God] telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names” Psalm 147:4 But the Bible is really only concerned with this planet upon which we live. Here is where the problems are. Jesus is coming back from heaven at the appointed time to sort out the complex difficulties now being faced by us all. On this planet there will be: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” Luke 2:14. May we all particpate in this delightful experience. We make the answer now*!
*To find out more about our hope and how you can become a part of it, visit our website: Our next public meeting will be held at 6pm on Sunday, in our hall, Foundry Road, Ammanford. All are welcome to attend!