What does the future hold?
A recent report from a group of scientists says that by 2045 life will not be worth living on this earth. Exaggeration you may think, but just consider what is happening to our planet in 2021.
FLOODS causing landslides, buildings being swept, many deaths and acres of valuable agricultural land under water.
WILD FIRES destroying people’s homes, vast areas of forest and woodland destroyed.
GLOBAL WARMING some of the highest ever temperatures have been recorded this year.
EARTHQUAKES destroying buildings, killing so many.
COVID 19 causing much stress and inconvenience, also grief and distress of losing loved ones.
The list could go on!
All these are causing so much anxiety that lots more people are suffering from mental issues.
Jesus told His disciples that there would be a terrible time to come for them “….when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that it’s desolation is near……and they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled” Luke 21 v 21-24
Jesus was telling them about events that would happen about 40 years later in AD70. This did happen and Jews were scattered throughout the world until 1948. Which is when Israel become a State once again and many Jews returned there, but it took another 72 years before Jerusalem become its capital!
Jesus went on to tell them what would happen before His return to earth
“…on earth distress of nations, with perplexity……men’s hearts failing them for fear and the expectation of those things that are coming on the earth……Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” Luke 21 v 25-27
The things that have been and are happening in the earth tell us that Jesus is soon to return and will set God’s Kingdom on earth and will be the Judge of the whole earth. “He (Jesus) shall judge between the peoples. And rebuke strong nations afar off……Nation shall not lift sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore” Micah 4v3
This Kingdom is described for us in Psalm 72 and Isaiah chapter 35, it will be a wonder place where there will be an abundance of food, no more illness and all creatures dwelling peacefully together.
Not just a small part of the earth but the whole earth will be a wonderful place of plenty, joy and peace with no more diseases and death.
The distressing events we see in the world today, are showing us that God is in control and that His Son will soon come back.
Find out how you can be part of that Kingdom and what we believe. https://www.ammanfordchristadelphians.co.uk/about.php
All quotations taken from the New King James Bible.